I was reading a fellow tiny house builders blog @ http://mytinyabode.blogspot.ca/ and am really enjoying her posts and also her progress with her tiny house. The main thing I wanted to share is a post she had on her blog about living life and following your passions and dreams. I really think this quote is full of truth and inspiration to do what you think will make you happy and in turn will also make others inspired :)
I really think one of the biggest challenges in life is truly following your dreams and remembering that life is very short. We need to dive in and following our dreams, goals and passions! This is what makes life worth living!
“The best thing you can do for yourself, your community and the world – is to follow your passions. And by diving in to that pool, your ripples will inspire others to do the same. Thus creating an inspired, fulfilling life, a diverse community and many wonderful stories."
great quote quote on fulfilment. Definitely something to reflect on each day when it is so easy to do what is expected and not what is in our heart.